Chiefs for Change CEO Mike Magee today issued the following statement.
Chiefs for Change appreciates the Congressional action on emergency Covid relief aid to help schools safely reopen and to support students who have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. We are very pleased that the Senate approved its relief package, and we urge the House of Representatives to pass the bill without delay.
This measure would go a long way toward meeting the needs of students, teachers, families, and schools as America works to bring children safely back into the classroom. Education systems need additional federal funds to address the myriad challenges associated with the Covid crisis. The bill approved today by the Senate would help to keep school communities healthy, meet children’s social and emotional needs, accelerate learning, and provide expanded access to broadband.
Our chiefs across the country are working to safely reopen their schools as quickly as possible. It is imperative that the House pass the measure now. Children and families can’t afford to wait any longer.